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Channel Manager, Basics

The WinCC OA Channel Manager is a standalone module that hosts a number of channels and devices of a client application (typically driver). The Channel Manager "knows" all its channels and devices. A device is a representation of a piece of equipment in the field. The channel is the physical interface (connection) to get to this device.

Each type of connection is implemented by a plug-in. A plug-in is a piece of software that is loaded by the Channel Manager when specified in the configuration file. Each plug-in implements the communication via a specific channel. The first version of the Channel Manager supports a plug-in called "MODEM", that is used to communicate to N devices over a PSTN network (with or without a terminal server) and a plug-in called "COM" that is used for serial communication to a device.

The Channel Manager communicates with a client application. A typical client application is a software driver reading or writing data from a remote telemetry device. The client application sends and receives commands to and from the Channel Manager. These commands typically include:

  • "Connect" -> establish connection to a physical device

  • "Read" -> read (raw) bytes

  • "Write" -> write (raw) bytes

  • "Disconnect" -> client application does no longer need the device

The following figure shows how a driver (like the Dynamic Logic driver) and the Channel Manager work together to communicate with N devices.


The client application (driver) connects to the Channel Manager and sends commands to the manager or listens on the TCP/IP socket for incoming data. There is a single TCP/IP connection between a client application and the server. Most messages between client and server contain the readable name of channel or device.

Typically, the driver has a software definition of each device. When the driver needs to communicate to the field, then the driver requests a channel with a specified type. The Channel Manager will look into his pool of channels/modems and will allocate one to the driver. The driver then receives a "handle" to the allocated and opened channel. The Channel Manager closes the modem when the client application stops, or when the client commands the Channel Manager to disconnect the channel.

A channel can work in two directions:

  • Outgoing - the connection is established when the client application (the driver) asks for it.

  • Incoming - the modem is waiting for an incoming call.

  • Outgoing / incoming - the modem is normally 'incoming' but will be used for outgoing traffic when no outgoing modem is available.


Throughout this documentation the Dynamic Logic driver is used as an example to illustrate the usage of the Channel Manager since it is the first driver that uses it.


For the usage of the Channel Manager the following points have to be considered:

  • There can be exactly one Channel Manager running on one WinCC OA system (in a redundant system there will be one Channel Manager running on each of the controllers, but only the active WinCC OA controller is using the channels).

  • The single instance of the Channel Manager has to manage all configured channels.

  • Channels cannot be shared among several WinCC OA systems.

  • Channel Manager and driver could reside on different controllers as long as they are using the same data and event manager (running on the same WinCC OA system).

Types of Connections

The Channel Manager supports the following types of connections:

  • Direct serial connection (COM)

  • Modem outbound

  • Modem outbound by scheduler

  • Modem inbound

  • Modem inbound/outbound


The Channel Manager is able to run in a redundant configuration. This means that a switchover is executed when serious errors are indicated.

The active server is able to use all modems connected to the network (the modem racks connected to both servers). This is technically no problem since all modems are on the Ethernet. This is best illustrated in the following figure.


Active server A uses all modems in modem rack A and modem rack B. The passive server always releases all modems so that a "new" active server can again use all available modems (and thus telephone lines).


The active server uses only channels (modems) that are on the network. Modems connected to a physical port of a computer cannot be shared. That means that Server A can not use the modem assigned to the COM port of server A'.

Types of Plug-ins

The Channel Manager module supports two types of plug-ins:

  • "MODEM" (contains the RFC2217 interface for communication with a terminal server)

  • "COM"

Note that the plug-ins "MODEM" and "COM" are not to be confused:

  • When a client application (driver) commands "Connect Device" and the plug-in is MODEM, then the Channel Manager will dial the device with the configured phone number. It will wait for the connection to be established and will then answer with "Device Connected".

  • When a client application commands "Connect Device" and the plug-in is COM, then the Channel Manager will open the physical port and answer with "Device Connected".

The plug-ins "MODEM" and "COM" were implemented when developing the Dynamic Logic driver. The Dynamic Logic device can be connected to a computer via a modem or via a direct serial cable. Connecting a device via the plug-in COM is much faster because no phone calls need to be made.


The "MODEM" plug-in can also communicate to a terminal server that supports the RFC2217 protocol (different terminal server types are supported). This basically means that every RS232 communication port has an associated TCP/IP port. Sending data to the TCP/IP port means that the data goes out over the serial line.

The only part of the RFC protocol that has been implemented is sending a DTR to a modem during connection termination.


The RFC2217 protocol specifies that baudrates, parity and other settings can be set via this protocol. This, however, is not used since the Channel Manager assumes that the terminal server rack is pre-configured. That means that baudrates and port settings are pre-configured and stored in the terminal server.

The configuration is best shown in the following figure:


Note that the "Westermo" modem is an example. The Channel Manager communicates to a modem attached to a COM port or to a modem connected to a terminal server.

User Interface

The user interface of the Channel Manager module consists of the device overview panel, the channel overview panel and their settings and information pop-up panels.



Channel Manager, Basics

Basic information on the Channel Manager - communication, types of connections, types of plug-ins, redundancy and user interface.

Requirements and Installation

Requirements and installation of the Channel Manager.

Configuration of the Channel Manager



Configuration Basics and Workflow

Basic information on how to configure the Channel Manager.

Device Overview

Description of the "Device overview" panel that shows all available devices.

Channel Overview

Description of the "Channel overview" panel that shows all available channels.

Communication Settings

Description of the communication settings, which allow sending AT commands to a modem during communication initialization or connection termination.

General Channel Manager and Driver Settings

Description of the general settings and other information for a device.

Channel Information and Settings

Description of the general settings and other information for a channel.

Internal Data Points of the Channel Manager

Description of the internal data point types and data point elements of the Channel Manager.

Possible Config Entries of the Channel Manager

Description of the possible config entries in the [channelmanager] section for the Channel Manager.

Details of the Channel Manager




Information concerning the debug functionality and its internal data point elements.

Inbound Channel Testing

Information regarding the alive check.

Defining a Timeplan

Instruction for how to create a new timeplan.

Possible Messages

Description of the possible messages between server and client application (driver).

Handling Connected Channels

Description of the checks that the Channel Manager makes for its channels.

Handling Connection Errors

This chapter discusses retries in the context of communication transaction retries, where a transaction is an individual or group of requests to one specific device.

Modem Resetting and Management of Channel Allocation

Information on modem resetting and the management of channel allocation in the modem list.




V 3.11 SP1

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