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CTRL Debugger panel

The panel contains two main areas:

  • the Source window (left-hand side)

  • the Info window (right-hand side)

Above these areas is a row of button for enabling various Debugger functions.

When the CTRL Debugger is started it tells the user which scripts exist in the manager just selected ( for example, the manager CTRL_1). You can re-display this information whenever you want by clicking on "Scripts".


Figure: Root panel of the CTRL Debugger



  • The input field below the Break button (topmost left) displays the selected manager. Next to this are the file number and source, for CTRL managers. For UI managers just <internal> appears for the source, and -1 for File.

  • The Info window is used for displaying a huge range of information such as the contents of variables etc.

  • The black bar indicates either a selected line or the current position (for example, when using Step or Line)

  • The input field above the Info window is used for manual input of Debugger commands whose responses are displayed in the Info window (see Debugging a script).


In a User Interface, some scripts are only displayed once they have been executed for the first time. This affects all scripts that do not start execution when the panel is opened. The CTRL Interpreter only detects the scripts and displays them as "present" once they have started running. Scripts may also disappear from the list of debuggable program sources (for example, when a panel is closed).

The panel also contains the following buttons:

  • Break: interrupts the thread currently executing (a program branch)

  • Continue: continues execution of the interrupted thread

  • Step: executes the next instruction in the current thread.


Functions whose return value is used in an expression are executed in one step, for example, string functions whose return value undergoes further processing. (This can mean that more than one instruction is executed with "Step").


  • Line: reads and displays the current line position of the selected thread, with the Source window updated to show the current line (marked by the black bar). This function can also be used WITHOUT having to stop the script.

  • Scripts: displays all possible scripts in the manager (Click-Event scripts that have not yet started execution are not shown in the list)

  • Current: displays which script and which thread is currently selected.

  • Info Script: displays all available information on the current script

  • Info Thread: displays all available information on the current thread

  • Other Info: provides information on Libs, Globals, Breakpoints, Script Modules and Connections  (libraries, global variables, breakpoints, script modules, connections, see Debugging a script)

  • Help: Overview opens this page of the Online Help. Commands explains in brief the buttons in the Debugger (see Debugging a script)

  • Close: deletes all breakpoints, and sends the manager the "Continue" command before closing the Debugger window.



If the CTRL Debugger is simply aborted then the managers being debugged remain in their debugging state, for instance stopped or in single-step mode. If such a manager is then restarted, however, it will return to normal operation.




Selecting a script or thread

Which script or which thread do you want to debug?

Debugging a script

Tips for pausing a script, setting a variable etc.

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