the system overview panel via the System management panel.
Figure: System management - Diagnostics tab with the "System
overview" button

The system overview panel is opened via click on
the System
overview button on the Diagnostics tab:
System overview in a redundant system

Description of the panel
The structure and the functionality of the system
overview panel is basically the same like the system overview
panel in a single system (see also System
overview in single systems). On the left and right side of
the panel you see the redundant computers (the host names) below
the sever symbols. Both Event Managers are connected to each other
via a redundant network connection (the two green lines between
the both events display the connection). The active Event Manager
is indicated by a green background color.
The status bar in the lowest part of the system
overview panel displays the current user, date, time as well as
details on the user interface the panel was opened with. In the
figure above the details on the UI
show the following line:
Windows User Interface
#1 (EIWRK115)
In the split mode additionally the computer on
which the UI was current switched,
is shown e.g.:
Windows User Interface
#1 (EIWRK115) - eiwrk115
See chapter Redundancy
in split mode of the redundancy documentation for further
information on the split mode.
The buttons Preferred, Force active, Redundancy and
Split mode are located
in the middle of the panel. These buttons in the system overview
panel are available for setting the active/passive status manually
for the specific computer:
If the button is pressed on the passive computer the computer
is switched and the computer that was passive before becomes
active and the active computer becomes passive. The computer
that has the preferred setting is the active computer. The
preferred computer can be switched only when both computers
have the same error status. If you click the preferred button
twice, the preferred setting is deleted and the active server
remains active in case of same error state.
Force active:
The active computer can be switched (contrary to the preferred
option) also when the computer that should become active have
a higher error status. Thus, The computer , which becomes
active by clicking the Force active button, assumes the control.
The active system is shown via the "pressed" and
orange colored button Force
active. The preferred
computer cannot be switched in this mode anymore (both preferred
buttons are grayed out). Click the Force active button again
to quit the control mode.
Redundancy: Via this button
you can switch to the redundancy mode if the split mode is
Split mode: Via this button
you can switch to split mode.
If the file synchronization between the systems
is activated, additionally the "FileSync"
button is present. This opens the panel for configuration of the
file synchronization (see File
See chapter Failure
behavior and switching criteria of the redundancy documentation
for details on the switching processes.
Configuration of the error
Open the panel for the configuration of the
error weighting once and click on OK so that the error state is
shown correctly.
The both Error state
tables on the left and right side of the system overview
panel show the error status in a redundant system. For the configuration
of the error weighting with the available panels see chapter System overview
in single systems. The settings of a redundant system are
not different than the settings of a single system. The panels
for the configuration of the error weighting are opened via click
on the ... button or via
the available context menu with the Configure
weight entry. The weighting parameter is primarily intended
for manager connections to the EVENT.
In a redundant system the check box Monitor redundant
network may not be activated for local UIs.
UIs running local on the server
do not build two connections to the Event Manager and thus an
alert would be triggered for the nonexisting second connection
when the monitoring for a local UI
is activated.
When configuring a weighting for a redundant DP
(e.g. _Mod_Plc_1.ConnState)
this weighting is also set on the second DP (meaning _Mod_Plc_1_2.ConnState).
Thus, the weighting for redundant DPs only has to be configured
once. In the table of the data points that were set for the weighting
only the data point for the left computer is visible (DP without
postfix "_2"). For
more information on the redundant data points see chapter Principle
and functionality of the redundancy documentation.
For configuring the weighting of redundant
DPs both DPs (with and without "_2")
have to exist. Thus, assure that both data points are created
in the system before configuring the error weighting!
Information and settings of the UIs
The UIs are shown
at the top. The monitor symbols display the total number of connected
UIs in the system (the green
bar below the monitor symbols shows the connection status to the
Event manager. In a redundant system there are two green bars
that visualize the connection to the left or right computer).
Also UIs that were already connected
and do not run at the moment are shown (in this case the bars
will be red).
Different settings and configurations can be executed
for the UIs. A panel including
general information like Start
time, User,
(computer name on which the UI
is running ), IP
address of the computer for the chosen user interface and in the
lower area the host name (where the Event Manager is running)
resp. the connection (Link)
to the Event Manager (this information is read only), is opened
via left mouse click on a monitor symbol:
In a redundant system you can see a second box
next to the entries Server, Link
0 and Link
1. These boxes
present the connection of the UI
to the Event Manager of the second redundancy partner. If the
connection of the UI to the Event
Manager is additionally configured with a redundant network connection
another box is shown next to Link
1. (This means that altogether 4 boxes can be shown in
this information panel in case of a redundant system and when
redundant network connections are configured).
The meaning of a yellow box is that there is an
alert handling configured at the internal data point of the UI.
In the following figure, there is an alert handling at the internal
data point of Userinterface #8 (_Ui_8).

Note that in case of redundant projects under
Solaris only the green boxes for the first network connection
might be displayed. If the first network connection is disconnected,
the UI is still connected to
both servers via the second network connection, in the information
panel, however, only one green box is shown.
In order to avoid problems with UI
manager numbers in a redundant system, the UIs
automatically get a number beginning with 7 when starting a UI (if the option "-num"
is not used). This threshold can be changed with the config entry
lowestAutoManNumUI! Remote
UIs to a redundant system have
to be started with a unique number (therefore you can use the
numbers 1 to 6)! Also when configuring the error weighting you
have to use the fixed manager number!
System overview when using Disaster
Recovery System
When the Disaster Recovery System is used,
then the system overview of the Disaster Recovery Systems is shown
in the first tab of the system overview panel (see System
Overview). Via the neighboring tabs you can switch to the
system overviews of the redundant systems.
Figure: Tabs of the system overview
when using Disaster Recovery System
