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  Recipes, basics

Recipe Management Systems are used for managing and storing the set points and commands of automated systems defined by numerous data point elements. Even when simulating or testing an application, a relatively large number of set points or input values need to be sent to the peripheral devices by the control system. In these and other situations such a tool represents a great simplification.

The recipe type defines which commands, input values or set points are affected by a recipe, but does not actually assign them values.

The actual sets of values are defined in the recipes.

This WinCC OA add-on provides all the functions required for managing simple recipes that do not include conditions or time references.


When a relatively large number of input/set point values need to be transferred from the control system to the peripheral devices, then a recipe management system can simplify this process significantly. The Recipes add-on to WinCC OA provides a range of user-friendly functions that meet all the following requirements:

  • New recipes can be created at runtime, or obsolete recipes deleted.

  • The recipe type can be changed at runtime, and the changes adopted in all recipes of this type.

  • All essential operations are also available as CTRL functions, and can therefore also be used in customized panels.

  • In addition, recipes can be imported, exported and edited as CSV files (e.g. using Excel).

  • Online values from a process display can be saved in an existing or new recipe.

  • There is no limit to the number of recipes for one recipe type.

  • An automatic test is performed to check the validity of the recipe type and that all elements of the recipe are defined.

  • Can be used also in distributed systems

Industrial applications

The functions provided by the Recipes tool are not specific to any particular branch of industry, but are suitable for use in a vast range of applications and projects, e.g.

  • Building automation

  • Environmental technology

  • Manufacture

  • Production

  • Foodstuff manufacture

  • The water industry

  • Process engineering

  • The brewing industry

Examples of typical projects

  • Correct setting of compatible values for a large number of parameters and set points in production facilities.

  • Operating mode of a sewage treatment plant, where different sets of constant parameters need to be set depending on the weather.

  • Building automation (operating mode of an air-conditioning system).

  • Start-up schedules for sets of equipment.

  • Pump operating plans for defined changeover from a primary operating state into another (fill container, empty container etc.).

  • Global operating modes for an installation (day/night, workday/holiday, wet weather/dry weather, and many more).

  • Support in optimization tasks (system parameters entered originally by hand are saved in a recipe once a satisfactory operating status has been reached).

  • Testing and simulation of installations.

The Recipes package is supplied by ETM ready for use, and can also be used immediately by partners and end customers. Normally recipe types are created by system parameter setters or highly-trained operating staff. No special experience is needed for creating, saving and activating recipes.




Recipes, basics

General overview and links.

Requirements and installation

Requirements and correct installation of the Recipes package.

Starting the recipe management tool

How to start recipe management.

Activation tab

This is where you can activate previously created recipes.

Recipe types tab

In this tab you can create new recipe types, or edit or delete existing ones.

Recipes tab

In this tab you can create, edit or delete recipes.

Recipe type editor

In this panel you can define a recipe type.

Recipe editor

In this panel you can edit recipes.

Working with recipe types

Worked-through example giving step-by-step instructions on creating the recipe type.

Working with recipes

This topic shows you how to enter set points in the panel.

Activating recipes

Activating the set point values once you have set the parameters correctly.   

Detailed information on recipes

Data point types and background information for advanced WinCC OA users.  


Terminology used in the Recipes tool.

Summary and relevant links

Links to other relevant chapters in the Online Help.


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V 3.11 SP1

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