normal case a redundant system consists of two projects on different
computers with same operating system. The same managers run on
these both systems, which are provided with a redundant network
connection. The redundancy is mostly hidden for the managers and
the managers act as in a simple system. Actually, the data stream
and dynamic are checked and controlled via the system messages
of the Event Manager.
a redundant system single system components can be controlled
and provided with weighting, which is used for calculating the
error status in case of errors. Components that are controlled
and used when calculating the error status are e.g. managers,
TCP connections, PLC connections, hard disk capacity, RAM memory
etc. The weighting is a number from 0-999, which the user can
assign specific to the components. The person who configures makes
the decision how grave an error is, meaning which number is specified
for the weighting. The crash of a PLC connection is e.g.
configured with a higher weighting as a crash of a UI.
In normal case the sum of the weightings that produce the error
status should be same on both computers (optimal is the error
status 0). In case of errors the computer is automatically switched.
This means the active computer is always the computer with the
lower error status. The error calculation is executed in the CTRL
script calculateState.ctl
(this script
is contained in pvss_scripts
list). The
configuration and error weighting are executed in the system overview
panel. For further information see System
overview panel in redundant systems.
redu manager (WCCILredu) executes further important functions
in case of a redundant system (the default number of the redu
manager is 4776). The redu manager has the following tasks:
state: The
redundancy status (which computer is active and which is passive
at the moment) is defined and given by the redu manager since
the redu manager keeps all information (internal system statuses)
of itself and of its partner. Furthermore the redu manager
manages the error statuses of itself and of its partner. These
statuses are compared to each other and the computer with
the lower error status becomes automatically active (the Event Manager switches the active/passive
status of the computers).
of system information and alive messages
of partner crashes.
The following figure
should visualize the principle of the redundancy a little better:
Figure: Redundancy in WinCC OA

The figure shows a detailed presentation of both
computers Server 1 and Server 2 as these are already known from
the figure on the page redundancy,
basics. Server 1 is in the control mode (active) and server
2 is in the hot standby mode (passive).
The UIs of the
operating terminals are connected to both Event
Managers in redundancy case. However, only data of the active
system is shown on both UIs.
The Event Manager of the passive
system is restricted to communication with the Event
Manager of the active system for balancing of the process data
(it does not send any data to the connected UIs
or discards the messages of the drivers. You can see this in the
figure with the switch in the UIs
or at the passive Event Manager.
The message logic (messages and commands)
is illustrated via the following figures:
Driver message
Figure: Messages in the message

The message in the message direction is processed
as follows:
Both drivers receive a message
from the periphery (this does not always happen since the
driver receives the different values at different times when
a polling is configured. This means that the driver receives
a message only on one computer). On the active system the
value is passed to the Event
Manager and the passive system discards the message.
The Event
Manager on the active system sends the value to all registered
managers. Via the redundant network connections the value
is sent to the passive Event
Manager. On the passive system again the value is sent to
all managers registered at the Event
The value is sent to UI`s of both operating terminals
only by the active Event.
The same behavior also applies for values,
which are sent by other managers (e.g. CTRL, API)!
Driver command
Figure: Messages in the command

The message in the command direction is processed
as follows:
A value is changed on the
UI of the operating terminal
1. The change is sent to the Event
Manager of the active system. The passive Event
Manager does not accept any change from UI.
The Event
Manager on the active system sends the value to all registered
managers. Via the redundant network connection the value is
sent to the passive Event
Manager. On the passive system the value is passed to all
managers registered at the Event
The value change is passed
to the periphery via the driver on the active system. The
driver on the passive system discards the value changes and
does not pass any data to the periphery.
This behavior in the command direction applies
specific only for driver!
Since the database is
identical on both computers the same DPs exist on both computers.
These DPs always have the same value and name on both computers.
For the DPs described so far (in the command and message direction)
this was wished. The behavior of the message logic in the message
and command direction was already described in the previous paragraphs.
Furthermore, there are data point elements for
internal states (e.g. disk space, RAM memory, connection to the
peripehery, ...) . The information of these data point elements
may be different on both computers and has to be known on both
computers. This case is solved different in the redundancy:
DP`s containing Information
for internal states exist twice with different names (once
with the Postfix "_2" and once without postfix)
on each computer. That kind of internal DPE for the display
of the connections state to periphery (PLC) is e.g. _apc_equipment.ConnState
(the data point _apc_equipment
of type _Apc_Equ
is created in the system when creating an Applicom
device. See chapter Applicom
driver, basics for further information on the Applicom
driver. In case of redundancy also the data point apc_equipment_2
is automatically created.
The left computer is responsible
for data point without postfix, the right computer sets the
"_2" data point. Assuming that the Applicom driver
looses the connection to the periphery the element _apc_equipment.ConnState
would be set on the left computer in case of normal
driver logic (left computer is active, right computer is passive).
If connection would be lost on the right computer this would
discard the value (since it is passive) and the "_2"
data point is not set. So that this kind of behavior does
not occur there are so called "Forward DPs". Forward
DPs are set and passed to other computers (the DPE _apc_equipment.ConnState
is a such forward DP). Thus, it can be guaranteed that
the information is always available on both computers.
The data point _apc_equipment
does, however, not only consist of the element .ConnState but also of
elements, which contain configurations or trigger commands
(e.g. _apc_equipment.Board,
...). The value of these DPEs should be identical on the left
and on the right computer in normal case. So that such DPEs
are identical on both computers there are so called "Copy
DPs". Copy DPs adopt the set value to the DPEs of the
both computers. Thus, if the e.g. the element _apc_equipment.Channel
is set to "3" the value "3"
is also set on the
element _apc_equipment_2.Channel.
Settings concerning forward and copy DPs (especially
in case of project specific adjustments) are executed in the configuration
file config.redu
in the directory <proj_path>/config
(see also
configuration files for redundancy).
Configuration for the Applicom driver
Open the file config.redu in
the directory <wincc_oa_path>/config.
Copy the section for the
settings of the Applicom driver into the clipboard:
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.Protocol"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.GeneralQuery"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.Active"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.InternalPollList"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.Board"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.Channel"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ChannelEqNum"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduConn.Board"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduConn.Channel"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduConn.ChannelEqNum"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduConn.Active"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduEqu.Board"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduEqu.Channel"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduEqu.ChannelEqNum"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduEqu.Active"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduEqu.ReduConn.Board"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduEqu.ReduConn.Channel"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduEqu.ReduConn.ChannelEqNum"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduEqu.ReduConn.Active"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduControl.Equ.SpsTag"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduControl.Equ.MonMode"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduControl.Equ.CmdMode"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduControl.Equ.Switch"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduControl.Conn.SpsTag"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduControl.Conn.MonMode"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduControl.Conn.CmdMode"
#copyDpType = "_Apc_Equ.ReduControl.Conn.Switch"
Create a new file with the
name config.redu
in the directory <proj_path>/config.
Add the section for the
settings of the Applicom driver from the clipboard to the
newly created file.
Adjust the settings in the
this file according to your project. Remove comment characters
before the "copyDpType".
There is also an element,
which can be different on both computers, above the copy DPs.
Therefore this element is also configured as forward DP:
fwdDpType = "_Apc_Equ."
This element should not be changed in the config.redu
With the key word "fwdDpType"
(like fwdDp) all changes on this DP element are passed from the
Event Manager automatically to
the redundant Event Manager.
Contrary to "wdDp"
a DP element of an existing data point is not specified but the
element of a DP type in the form "Type.Element"
(e.g. "ExampleDP_Bit."
for the root element of the DP type "ExampleDp_Bit").
Thus, the corresponding elements of all data points of this
type are forwarded.
Split mode at redundancy
The split operation at redundant systems is a separation
of both redundant servers whereas one server remains active. The
second server can be used for tests of new configurations and
configurations. The advantage is that this can be executed at
runtime on a plant without adverse effect on the active system.
You can freely choose which system remains
active when using the split mode (switching the UIs
to this system) and which system is used for test purposes. After
finishing the tests the system returns to the redundancy operation
on the basis of a system. This means that if the test was successful
the system is synchronized with the control system when the system
returns to the redundancy mode and the new configuration is used
on both systems. If the old system should remain redundant the
test system is synchronized with the control system and the redundancy
runs with the settings, which existed before switching to the
split mode.
For detailed information on the split mode
see chapter System
overview in redundant systems and Redundancy
in split mode.
Redundancy behavior of the passive event
The redundancy behavior, which is used since
WinCC OA release
3.5, provides that the value changes on the passive event will
not be discarded till it is not sure that the active event processed/passed
Behavior before 3.5 version
Good case:
Time Stamp Event Manager (1|2) Description
10:00:00 Event 1(active) Gets
value change 1
10:00:01 Event 2 (passive) Gets
value change 1
10:00:02 Event 2 (passive) Discards
value change 1
10:00:03 Event 1(active) Processes
value change 1 and passes it to Event
Critical case
- Breakdown of the active event - data loss:
Time Stamp Event Manager (1|2) Description
10:30:00 Event 1(active) Gets
value change 2
10:30:01 Event 2 (passive) Gets
value change 2
10:30:02 Event 2 (passive) Discards
value change 2
10:30:03 Event 1 (active) Breakdown
-> no passing to Event 2!
Behavior after 3.5 version
Good case:
Time Stamp Event Manager (1|2) Description
10:00:00 Event 1(active) Gets
value change 1
10:00:01 Event 2 (passive) Gets
value change 1
10:00:02 Event 2 (passive) Ignores
value change 1 <- NEW
10:00:03 Event 1(active) Processes
value change 1 and passes it to Event
10:00:22 Event 2 (passive) Discards
value change 1
Critical case - Breakdown of the active event:
Time Stamp Event Manager (1|2) Description
10:30:00 Event 1 (active) Gets
value change 2
10:30:01 Event 2 (passive) Gets
value change 2
10:30:02 Event 2 (passive) Ignores
value change 2 <- NEW
10:30:03 Event 1 (active) Breakdown
-> no passing to Event
10:30:13 Event 2 (passive) Detects
the breakdown of the active event and processes
all value changes,
which have not been processed yet
10:30:14 Event 2 (now active) Processes
value change 2
Taking sender into account
As this behavior of the redundancy should only
be used in case of a failure (breakdown, disconnect, etc.), the
sender of the value change is also taken into account.
Time correction in case
of the same sender
When in the process image is saved that the last
vale change was sent by driver 1 with the time stamp 10:00:01
and the currently processed value change by the event has been
also received from driver 1, but with the time stamp 10:00:00,
then a time correction is used instead of this redundancy behavior.
Time correction means that the time stamp will be corrected to
<last_value_change> + 1
millisecond (in that case 10:00:00 + 1 millisecond)..
Different senders
When in the process image is saved that the last
vale change was sent by driver 2 with the time stamp 10:00:01
and the currently processed value change by the event has been
also received from driver 1, but with the time stamp 10:00:00,
the event detects that a redundancy switch had been executed and
discards this value change.
Simultaneous value changes and general query
Simultaneous value changes from different drivers
(senders) will be discarded.
In case of a general query all values, which have
not been changed, will be send with the same time stamps, what
may happen that they will be discarded by this redundancy behavior.
Thus this redundancy behavior will not
be used in case of a general query. |