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HTTP Server, basics

The HTTP Server integrates Internet technologies directly into WinCC OA. Implemented as an add-on for the Control Manager, possible applications are many and diverse. The HTTP Server can be used as a web server for static HTML pages including download facility or to generate dynamic HTML pages. This allows you to make data from WinCC OA available to many users at the same time. The complete WinCC OA programming language Control is thus available for server-side scripting tasks. Thanks to the transparent architecture, you can implement cross-platform functions for a range of terminal devices, including WAP/WML units.

A number of standard functions (HTML pages included) add to the observation applications of WinCC OA and can be used as examples for your own solutions. Individual customization is facilitated by means of an existing framework that you can adapt visually and functionally to your application requirements and any AddOns.


To minimize the threat of an unauthorized access to the web server using a brute force attack, a time-out of 5 seconds has been added after an authentication error. Only after the time-out interval a new try for authentication can be done.

Advantages of the HTTP Server:

  • Provide custom HTML pages incorporating data from WinCC OA for intranet/Internet.

  • WEB alert screen with acknowledge function and free choice of filters.

  • Diagnostics page displaying hard disk capacity, RAM, processor usage, alert throughput, users logged in and more.

  • "HTML references" allow you to replace $parameters at runtime without any special knowledge of HTML, that is, you can query any data points through the Internet.

  • Querying WinCC OA data using SQL

  • Transfer static HTML pages

  • File transfer (HTTP download).

  • HTTP Server uses WinCC OA specific tags in HTML.

HTTP Server functions (see HTTP Server Control functions):





HTTP Server, basics

Introduction to the HTTP Server

Requirements for the HTTP Server

Correct installation, license and network

Standard WinCC OA HTML pages

The HTML pages included with WinCC OA that allow you to use the HTTP Server straight away

Start-up screen of the HTTP Server:

Start-up screen of the HTTP Server

alert panel of the HTTP Server

Standard HTML page for querying and displaying data such as the alert panel, with acknowledge function.

Event panel of the HTTP Server

Standard HTML page that works similar to the event panel.

Trouble-shooting the WinCC OA system with the HTTP Server

Standard HTML page that allows you to diagnose the system

Displaying details on data point elements using the HTTP Server

Standard HTML page that displays details on any data point elements

Example of HTML references in the HTTP Server

Standard HTML page explaining HTML references

Example of a main WinCC OA panel

Process display with data point values

HTTP base configuration

List of parameters used for basic HTTP Server settings

WinCC OA tag (interpreter string)

Explanation of WinCC OA specific control codes for HTML

WinCC OA HTML references

Used, for example, to display DPE values, to change table cell colors, or to specify what graphics to load depending on the current state.

SQL query in the HTTP Server

Structured data query through the Internet

Working with standard WinCC OA II HTML pages

Examples of changing the start-up view, data point queries and $parameters and Control scripts  

Creating custom pages

How to create simple custom pages using an editor.

HTTP Server CTRL functions

Links to functions for communication between WinCC OA and HTTP Server.

Summary and advanced topics regarding the HTTP Server

Links to other relevant chapters in the online help

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V 3.11 SP1

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