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Basics on Encryption

The encryption of panels and CTRL scripts/libraries (in the following the term "scripts" is used) allows encrypting your panels or scripts and thus protect your knowledge and work. Thereby, it is guaranteed that unauthorized persons have no access to your defined functions and make no changes in panels using the GEDI.

If you do not want to provide your scripts or panels, for example, of a specific feature directly you can also encrypt the panels and scripts and set a license requirement. This means that a defined license keyword has to exist in the shield file in order to use the specific feature (panels, scripts). This provides a profitable advantage when delivering extensions of WinCC OA that were implemented with big effort and high costs.


If a new license keyword is used when the panel/script is encrypted and this keyword does not exist in the shield file yet either the existing license has to be changed (extended) or you have to get a new license (if the panel/script is used on a new computer).  The e-mail address for license requests at ETM is: license@etm.at

The following information is required for the license request:

1. When the file is extended: send the current shield file and the new keyword to ETM.
2. New license: send the hardware code of the new computer and the desired license options/keywords to ETM (note also the information in the chapter licensing).

The encryption of panels is described in the chapter Encryption of Panels. For the encryption of CTRL scripts/libraries see Encryption of CONTROL scripts/libraries.


Note that you have to have writing rights in order to encrypt a panel/script.


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