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CtrlXmlRpc is a CTRL extension including XML-RPC functions. XML-RPC is a protocol for web services, similar to SOAP but much simpler.


In order to run an XMLRPC server, you have to start the HTTP server and install a handler. "/RPC2" is the default URL for XMLRPC. See also httpConnect().


See also chapter XmlRpc, basics.


mixed xmlrpcHandler(string content);





    The content

Return value

Result of the function call like it is sent from the HTTP server to the client. This can be a string (XML coded result) or a dyn_string (result + additional header for HTTP) or a dyn_mixed (first entry is the result either as a string or a compressed blob. The further rows are additional header. Since a "Content-Type" header is required for a gzip'ed result, the gziped result cannot be returned as blob.


CtrlXmlRpc is a CTRL extension with XmlRpc functions. XmlRpc is a protocol for web services, similar to SOAP but much simplier.


In order to run an XmlRpc server, you have to start the HTTP server and install a handler. "/RPC2" is the default URL for XmlRpc.


#uses "CtrlXmlRpc"





   httpServer(false, 80);

   httpConnect("xmlrpcHandler", "/RPC2");






mixed xmlrpcHandler(mixed content)


   // content is the content

   // decode content

   string function;

   dyn_mixed args;

xmlrpcDecodeRequest(content, function, args);

  // Execute a little bit different according to the function


   mixed result;

   switch (function)


      case "test" :

      result = test(args[1]);



   // Encode the result again and return to the server

   string ret;

   xmlrpcEncodeResponse(result, ret);

   return ret;




This is an example of the xmlrpcHandler when the function gzip() is used to compress the response.

  httpServer(false, 80, 0);  // Starts the HTTP server
  httpConnect("xmlrpcHandler", "/RPC2");  // Registers the handler for XmlRpc calls


// If you want to compress (gzip) the response:


mixed xmlrpcHandler(mixed content, string user, string ip, dyn_string ds1, dyn_string ds2, int connIdx)


  string     method;   // Method name
  dyn_mixed  args;     // Method arguments
  mixed      result;   // Return value from method call
  string     ret;      // Encoded response
  xmlrpcDecodeRequest(content, method, args);  // Decodes the XmlRpc request
  switch (method)
    case "system.listMethods" :
        // Introspection: Return a dyn_string with all defined methods
        result = makeDynString();
    case "test.add" :
        // Add 2 values
        if (dynlen(args) < 2)
          return xmlrpcReturnFault(2, "Arguments missing in \"test.add\"");
        result = args[1] + args[2];
    default :
        // Wrong method name
        return xmlrpcReturnFault(1, "No such method");
  xmlrpcEncodeResponse(result, ret);
  /* If you want to compress the result,the prerequisites are:
  The result is long enough (bigger than a TCP package)
  The server accepts gzip  */


  if (strlen(ret) > 1024) && strpos(httpGetHeader("Accept-Encoding"), "gzip") >= 0)
    blob b;
    gzip(ret, b);
    return makeDynMixed(b, "Content-Type: text/html", "Content-Encoding: gzip");
  return ret;
string xmlrpcReturnFault(int faultCode, string faultString)
  string ret = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\r\n"
               "  <fault>\r\n"
               "    <value>\r\n"
               "      <struct>\r\n"
               "        <member>\r\n"
               "          <name>faultCode</name>\r\n"
               "          <value><i4>"+faultCode+"</i4></value>\r\n"
               "        </member>\r\n"
               "        <member>\r\n"
               "          <name>faultString</name>\r\n"
               "          <value><string>"+faultString+"</string></value>\r\n"
               "        </member>\r\n"
               "      </struct>\r\n"
               "    </value>\r\n"
               "  </fault>\r\n"
  return ret;  

Member of




See also

xmlrpcConnectToServer(), xmlrpcCloseServer(), xmlrpcCall(), xmlrpcClient(), xmlrpcDecodeRequest(), xmlrpcEncodeResponse()


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