Parameter |
Meaning |
res |
The XmlRpc-coded string to be re-converted to a variable. |
value |
Return value. The variable in re-converted format. Either of the data type anytype or mixed. |
isUTF |
Strings are decoded according to the following schema: If isUTF == TRUE, then with UTF-8. If isUTF == FALSE: If all configured languages are ISO8859-1, then with ISO8859-1. Otherwise UTF-8. |
Return Value
The function returns 0 if it was executed successfully and -1 in case of errors. |
Re-converts an XmlRpc-coded string to a variable. |
#uses "CtrlXmlRpc"
main() { dyn_int diArray = makeDynInt(5,4,3,2,1); string sXmlArray;
//convert the Array to an XML String sXmlArray = convertMixedToXmlString(diArray); dyn_int diReturn;
//convert the XML String to an Array diReturn = convertXmlStringToMixed(sXmlArray); DebugN("Data in Array: "+ diArray, "Data in XmlString: "+sXmlArray, "Data Result in Array: "+ diReturn); }
mixed convertXmlStringToMixed(string sXmlData) { //this function converts an XML String with data of mixed variable into a mixed variable mixed mxDataArray;
//decode sXmlData String from XML to mixed xmlrpcDecodeValue(sXmlData, mxDataArray); return mxDataArray; } |
Member of
See also
V 3.11
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