Many classes can also be used without an explicit #include, for example because Manager.hxx already includes many other files. Note When using Solaris, user defined functions inside the .hxx file, that are called with userDefFunc(), must be declared inside a "extern "C"{<functions>}" block. e.g.:
The second key manager is the Data Manager that takes care of all data management tasks. When the program is launched, every manager connects to the Data Manager to obtain initialization data. After successful initialization, the program connects to the Event Manager (except for the Event Manager itself, of course). The connections to the Data and Event Manager are maintained until the Manager is terminated. |
The program can only connect to the Data and Event Manager if there is no other connection by a manager with the same manager identifier. Especially with API managers, make sure that all managers have the same manager type and only differ in terms of their manager number. |
note 64-bit operation systems are supported starting from WinCC OA version 3.11, please refer to software-requirements. Any customer-developed 32-bit Manager, CONTROL Extentions and Error-Handling must be changed to 64-bit. |
The majority of API functions are used to generate and send messages. The managers receive messages using the doReceive() function that is applied to all ingoing messages. |
Chapter |
Description |
General overview and links to the chapters. |
Installation under NT and Linux. |
Step by step introduction to create a manager. |
This example manager shows how to connect to the Data and Event Managers. It also connects to a data point and copies a new value to another data point every time. |
This driver example is based on ComDrv. Two drivers communicate with each other via "namedPipes". |
This is an example of drivers communicating via TCP or UDP. |
As long as you use the documented API functions, it is not necessary to have detailed knowledge of messages: messages are generated and sent by API functions. |
This chapter describes the essential classes for the API manager development. |
The general driver is a collection of classes, covering the functional range that every driver in WinCC OA should possess. It also defines an interface to the hardware-specific part. |
Configuration panels for new drivers
Two prepared example scripts have been provided to make it easier for you to integrate new drivers in WinCC OA. All you need to do is add the name and type at specified points in the scripts, and define your commands. |
An EWO (External Widget Object) is a graphical object (a Widget) created by some external party (customer) and can be embedded into any WinCC OA Panel. It is similar to what is known as ActiveX on Windows, but it is not limited to the Microsoft Operating systems. |
V 3.11 SP1
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